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9" Custom Sheath

Sale: $27.62
Save: 35% off

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I hade a custom sheath made for my Ontario GEN II SP43. This thing is diesel. Sheath is tough, just like the knife. I have a few blades that I rotate in and out of my system when I am backpacking. Will need some more sheaths made ;) Maybe one a month. Thank you for a great product, and great customer service. They finished my sheath in 2 days, and kept me informed every step of the way. I got an email when they received the knife, when my sheath was being made, and when it shipped along with a tracking number. Pretty cool. Thanks again, and see you next month. BTW, love the SP10 in the pic. Those are bullet proof.
Date Added: 09/20/2013 by Dmitry Belkin
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